On Sunday 6 May two new lay canons were installed at Hereford Cathedral. We have the provision for seven lay canons who are, with the clergy members (Canons Residentiary and Prebendaries), members of the College of Canons, which itself has a particular role in the governance of the cathedral.

Three of the lay canons act as members of Chapter and so have a particular role in governance. The other four lay canons are ‘honorary’ – that is, they have no particular ‘portfolio’ of work, or of cathedral administration but are honoured for their work in the diocese and have a particular brief to support the cathedral in their work within the diocese.

Our existing lay canons are Anna Nugent (County Ecumenical Officer) and Edward Harley (Chair of Hereford Cathedral Mappa Mundi Trust). The two new lay canons who were installed on Sunday at Evensong can be seen in the picture above with Bishop Richard and the Dean.

On the left is Mr Andrew Teale, Head teacher at St Paul’s, Tupsley and a governor of Hereford Cathedral School; he is honoured for his long and wide experience in Christian education in the area. On the right is Dr Martin Elcock, for many years a key member of the congregation of Claverley parish church near Bridgnorth and since 2000 a member of General Synod. In his professional life, Martin is a GP and has worked in hospice care.

We welcome them both to Hereford Cathedral and wish them well in all that they do.