Thank you for taking the time to visit this page which we hope will help you to engage in worship from home. We really enjoy welcoming all of those who visit us at the cathedral, especially those who are new to our congregation. Whilst worship at the cathedral looks different at the moment, our desire to provide a warm welcome still remains. If you are new to our 'virtual congregation' please feel free to email us at [email protected] where we can put you in touch with a member of our team to say hello!

Whilst acts of public worship are currently suspended at the cathedral, we have created a list of resources that you may find helpful when worshipping at home.

Hereford Cathedral resources

Webcasts – we have a huge amount of webcasts of services on our website 

Daily Reflections – each day we will share a reflection or prayer from our clergy 

Weekly pew sheet – our weekly pew sheet will continue in a slightly altered format

Sermons – previous sermons are available to read here

Evening Hour - a guide to worship at home for Evening Hour

Music for Reflection - a selection of hymns from HCVC

If you use social media please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay in touch. If you know of someone locally who requires pastoral support but does not have computer or internet access, please contact the Cathedral Office (01432 374 200) who will be able to advise. 

Hereford Diocese resources

Diocese Freephone Prayerline

For those not engaged on Digital channels, Hereford Diocese have set up a Freephone prayer line 0800 304 7052.  This new service enables people to phone in and listen to a pre-recorded prayer, which will be updated each week.

Association of English Cathedrals resources

A prayer for the Stay at Home period, written by The Very Reverend Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark, is available to read here.

Our colleagues at Wakefield Cathedral have produced a very helpful resource to help with 'Ways to Pray at Home'. Click here to download this as a pdf.

Church of England

The Church of England website has a wealth of information and resources available to help support worship including services of Daily Prayer to join in with.

Click here to visit the Church of England website

Daily HopeThe Archbishop of Canterbury has launched a 24-hour free phone line for Christian worship and prayer, aimed at those who have no or limited access to the internet. Daily Hope offers hymns, prayers and reflections at the end of a telephone. Daily Hope is available on 0800 804 8044.

Pray as you go

Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to help you pray whenever you find time. It offers about thirteen minutes of reflective music with guidance through a daily reading to lead us into prayer; it is very much related to people’s hopes and fears in the current crisis. 

Click here to visit the Pray as you go website