Hereford Cathedral are inviting students from across the county to challenge themselves with a Hackathon with a historic twist this June.

As part of the Eastern Cloisters Project, the cathedral will be hosting a Hackathon on the afternoon of Wednesday 26 June in the historic Cloisters. A Hackathon typically refers to a quick paced project in which a team of computer programmers work quickly together on a task to come up with a collaborative solution to a presented task. Whilst the subject matter of the cathedral’s event may be slightly less technologically focused, the fast paced work environment will still remain!

The cathedral is currently looking for teams of 4 – 5 people in academic year 12, or of an equivalent age, to gather in the Cloisters to present an innovative solution to a problem posed in relation to the current development project which is taking place. Individuals taking part do not need any specific knowledge of the cathedral but a desire to work well as part of a team and a creative approach to problem solving. Applications to take part are welcomed from schools, groups and individuals who wish to form part of a team on the day. There is a prize of £200 of vouchers for the winning team.

Sarah Hollingdale, Activity Officer, said: “In 2018 we welcomed two school groups to take part in a Hackathon which looked at ways in which we could utilise our Old Chapel building to encourage more people to engage with the space. We were really excited by the creative approach of the students who took part in the event and have been able to action some of their suggestions into the plans for the Eastern Cloisters Project.”

To book a place click here. (please note that this will take you to Eventbrite)

This event  is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and is part of the Eastern Cloisters Project currently taking place at Hereford Cathedral. To find out more about the project, please visit: