While we await the easing of restrictions, our Education team have developed a range of options for schools to get involved with Hereford Cathedral this Easter! 

Experience Easter

Usually, in the run–up to Easter, we have a series of workshops entitled ‘Experience Easter’. Unfortunately, this year we are not able to run these workshops as usual; instead, we are providing digital versions of these workshops for schools to download and use with their classes. They are aimed at KS2 children, and will comprise a series of workshops that tell the story of Holy Week from Palm Sunday to the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

There are a total of six short films, each containing a reading from the bible and some explanation. They then have either an activity or some questions for reflection. The combined length of the films is less than one hour.

The six workshops are:

  1. Palm Sunday
  2. The Last Supper
  3. In the Garden of Gethsemane
  4. The Trial
  5. The Crucifixion
  6. The Resurrection

If you would like a link to these workshops, along with accompanying resources, please email [email protected]


Lent Competition

On Easter Sunday we celebrate new life and hope in Jesus. It is the time of new beginnings just like in Spring time; there are new leaves on the trees, the flowers begin to bud and the birds begin to nest and lay their eggs. Hereford Cathedral has recently been awarded Eco Church Silver status, in recognition of our commitment to the environment and to caring for all of God’s creation. To celebrate this award, we are having a competition for primary school children. Please create a picture which represents Herefordshire or Hereford Cathedral, with the theme of new life and the environment. The entries should also include a short explanation as to why they have chosen this particular image.

Selected entries will be shared on social media and our website. The winning entry will have a wall hanging created out of the picture, to be presented to their school. The winning entry and runners up will be used as images in the cathedral family service broadcast on Good Friday, and will receive cathedral goodie bags. We will share the child’s first name with these images unless schools tell us otherwise. Please submit your entries no later than Friday 26th March, to [email protected]  Please ensure you include the child’s name, year and school. There are no limits on the number of entries available from any school.

Read more about our school and education work here

To find out more about the Education team at Hereford Cathedral or to find out more about how we can work with your school please get in touch with William Talbot-Ponsonby (Head of Schools and Family Learning) by emailing [email protected].