The Friends’ organisation is run entirely by officers and volunteers who give of their time freely. There are no paid employees and so every single donation or subscription received is available to assist the cathedral.

The Lord Bishop of Hereford (The Rt Revd Richard Jackson)
The Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire (Edward Harley CBE)
The Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire (Mrs Anna Turner) 
The Dean of Hereford (The Very Revd Sarah Brown)
Chairman and ex-officio Trustee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Dr B Joy Roderick
Officers and ex-officio Trustees 
Mr Paul Griffiths (Deputy Chairman)
Mrs Erica Hillman (Secretary)
Wg Cmdr Peter Hereford OBE (Treasurer)
Mr David Owen (Membership Secretary) 
Mrs Iris Howlett (Events Secretary)
Trustees elected by rotation from and by the members of the Society
Dr Carole Caldwell
Mr Clive Walker
Mrs Sarah Warner
Mrs Isobel Willmott 
Trustee ex-officio
The Very Revd Sarah Brown (Dean of Hereford) 

For more information, including how you might give your support, please contact:

Thomas Roderick Secretary
5 College Cloisters, Cathedral Close, Hereford, HR1 2NG

01432 374200 (Cathedral Office)
[email protected]