A few weeks ago, members of cathedral staff shared their favourite places within the cathedral to mark the Feast of Consecration. We loved that so many people enjoyed this series and shared their own personal experiences of favourite places within the cathedral across social media. We have gathered these together for our community to see:

Audley Chapel

Dr Julie Gittoes

This chapel is one of my favourite space: the light & colour reflecting on Thomas Traherne’s words. Almost exactly 12 months since I was there - longing to be back!


Crispin Pemberton

As a former day chaplain this was the space and these the windows I always insisted on showing people. Always made a huge impression. It's a beautiful space, as is the entire cathedral.


Becky Clark

My favourite is the exquisite sacred space of the Audley Chapel with its beautiful Thomas Traherne windows by Tom Denny.


Hazel Ricketts - Stanbury Chapel

When we visited last autumn we found it a remarkable place, but this chapel was so special. For me, like a bubble of peace, focus, and prayer - almost like stepping outside the busy world. And absurdly beautiful! Thank you for (virtually) taking me back there now.


Tom Oliver – Tomb of Croft & Benson

Just ahead of the exterior west wall of the south transept, my favourite place, inside, is the side-by-side tombs of Bishop (and former Dean) Croft and that of his successor as Dean, Benson, who served while he was Bishop. Previously deans & bishops had squabbled (and since, occasionally, alas!) because of the peculiar circumstances of power in cathedral closes triumphantly not the case here - edifying fact of Croft’s experience of both posts.

‘In vitam conjuncti, in mortem non divisi’


Denise Reynolds – Mappa Mundi & Chained Library

The Mappa Mundi exhibition and Chained Library are mine. I took this picture from the interactive space near where the book chests are. I always love seeing the tower against blue sky, slightly distorted by the old glass.

 A view of the cathedral tower through the medieval glass window


Johnny Day - Quire

Loved singing in the choir/quire during my time as a choral scholar. Definitely my favourite spot in the building, though the rest isn’t bad too!

A photograph of the Quire taken from above as a bird's eye view


Linda Pitcher

Being able to draw the beautiful architecture of Hereford Cathedral whilst enjoying the ambience and the friendly team (who are so enthusiastic and proud of the cathedral) - thank you xxx

Linda stands smiling in the Nave of the cathedral in front of an easel

Stephen Anderson – Father Willis Organ

Easily the outstanding Father Willis organ, the 2nd biggest they ever made (behind St Pauls London).  It was a pleasure to play it as part of Choral Evensong back in 2018 in support of my old college Royal National College for the Blind

Stephen sits at the organ and smiles for the camera. He is wearing a suit and bow tie.


Dr Penny Starns - Ascension Window

I love standing by the Ascension Window, the design always reminds me of living, flowing water and it looks glorious, especially when the sun shines through it.


Dr Kathleen Neal – Mappa Mundi

I could stare at it for hours


Dr Hannah Thomas – Reading Room

It’s the library for me, every time! The reading room has such an air of invitation and peace - it’s gorgeous


Janet Bellamy

The cathedral choir in full robes stood in the cloisters. The photograph is taken from height looking down and choir is stood in a circle around the fountain

The photo is a bit out of date, but it combines choir and cloister, both such very special parts of the Cathedral. I have been particularly conscious of the losses experienced by the choir, time which for scholars and choristers can never be reclaimed, and for all those responsible in so many different ways for the beautiful music which so transforms our worship.

And we also received some lovely photographs taken in the cathedral...

Helen Dunsford

My first visit in January - so beautiful.

A photograph of the pillars on the south side of the cathedral. Light is pouring in from the windows and dappling the pillars

Angie Martin Gibbs

Handel’s Messiah by Candlelight – Hereford Choral Society December 2019

A photograph of the cathedral facing towards the West End where the Choral Society are stood. The building is full and in darkness with the lights highlighting the architecture

Michael Whitefoot Photography

Best view in the house ....

 A selfie of Michael taken from high up in the cathedral, his camera is set up ready to take pictures of the Three Choirs Festival

Thank you everyone for your contributions!