Sunday Memories Reminiscence: Callout for Sunday Memories As part of the Eastern Cloisters Project, we are launching a callout for memories of Sundays, to form our new reminiscence resources. Reminiscence resources can be used to help prompt individuals memories and recall past experiences. We are looking for memories of Sundays growing up – do you remember having Sunday Best; coming to church, perhaps for Sunday School; or gathering for Sunday lunch? We know that for many people Sundays are special, whether you attended church or not. They are often the highlight of our week, and the day that we come together with family to relax. In reminiscence sessions, many of the happiest memories shared are of Sundays – whether that’s going on outings, meeting up with family, or having special meals. With that in mind, we are putting together resources specifically designed to focus on those wonderful Sunday memories. If you have any memories that you would like to share with us to use within the project, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]. We had originally intended to run these new reminiscences sessions in person, in our newly restored Old Chapel, but due to current circumstances we will now be producing resources for people to use at home. The memories shared in this callout will help us select the last few resources for the reminiscence boxes, ready to go out to the community. If you are a family or care home that is interested in using one of the reminiscence boxes, please email the Activity Officer for the Eastern Cloisters Project: [email protected] to find out more information. The Eastern Cloisters Project is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, The HB Allen Charitable Trust, The Jordan Foundation, Allchurches Trust, The Tanner Trust, an anonymous donor, Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust, and the Trust’s friends from Austin, TX. Manage Cookie Preferences