On the evening of Tuesday 18 June at 7 pm, Peter Dyke will perform a gala organ concert entitled Repertoire Requests.

This concert, which is part of this year’s summer organ recital programme, will be an opportunity to hear many of the larger-scale pieces that have been requested for the popular lunchtime 'audience requests' concert but which couldn’t be included at the time. 

Each year, Peter, the cathedral’s assistant director of music, traditionally gives an organ concert where all the music has been chosen by members of the audience, but the usual lunchtime slot doesn’t always give him enough time to play some of the grander works that have been requested. This evening concert will be a chance to hear Hereford Cathedral’s 4,000-pipe Father Willis organ perform a selection of more complex pieces including works by Bach, Duruflé and Hollins.

Peter Dyke, Assistant Director of Music at Hereford Cathedral, says: “The annual Audience Requests recital has become a firm favourite in Hereford over the last twenty years. On 18 June I’ll be able to offer performances of some of the larger-scale and more complex works that have not yet been included. I’m sure listeners will enjoy the variety of tonal colour and intensity in music ranging from a grand overture by Bach to Duruflé’s Prelude and Fugue on the name of ALAIN, and the 'cinema organ' sound of Hollins’s Nocturne.”

Peter, who last year celebrated 25 years at Hereford Cathedral, was born in Hertfordshire and was organ scholar of Robinson College, Cambridge. Peter has a keen interest in teaching and has helped to found two highly successful organists’ training schemes; his work in this and other fields was recognised by the Royal School of Church Music, which awarded him the ARSCM in 2010.

The gala concert forms part of the cathedral’s incredibly popular summer organ recital series which sees organists from across the country, and the world, travel to Hereford to perform on the famous Father Willis organ.

Tickets for the gala concert cost £12 (students £5, children under 18 free) and can be purchased via the cathedral website or from the Cathedral Shop on 01432 374 210.

Click here to purchase tickets: Peter Dyke - Gala Organ Concert

To view the full programme of organ recitals and concerts please visit www.herefordcathedral.org/organ-concerts  

Image Credit: Peter Dyke © Caroline Potter