Overseas Mission Partners Our Overseas Mission PartnersFor years we have supported Ed and Marie Brice of the Church Mission Society in Argentina. They are retiring this summer, and are revisiting us in Hereford on Sunday 19 May, when they will join us for coffee after the 10 am Cathedral Eucharist. This will be an opportunity for us to hear of their life and work at Tartagal in Northern Argentina, and to wish them well in their retirement. You can download a recent letter from the Brices here. In their place, the cathedral will be supporting the work and witness of Anne Plested, also of the Church Mission Society, who is a teacher at the Bethlehem Bible College, and sees her call to accompany those on the margins. Anne will be visiting us on Wednesday 15 May to talk about her life and work in the Holy Land. The meeting is at 7 pm in the Reading Room of the library, over a glass of wine. Please come to hear from our newest Mission Partner about her exciting and inspiring work in a challenging part of the world. It would be helpful to know numbers coming; please telephone the library, on (01432) 374225/6. Manage Cookie Preferences