New Lay Canons of Chapter installed On Sunday 23 September, two new lay canons were collated by Bishop Mike Bourke, Assistant Bishop in the diocese, acting as Commissary for the Bishop of Hereford and installed by the dean at Choral Evensong. Barry Forrester OBE Barry retired to Ludlow in 2010 following a career in the civil service culminating in 13 years in the Cabinet Office. Prior to moving he was for nine years a member of the Chapter at St Albans Cathedral, six of which as Chair of their Finance Committee. Barry is now Chair of Hereford Cathedral Finance Committee, and although the role of a member of Chapter is ‘across the board’ he will particularly engage with finance and governance issues. He and his wife Helen worship with us regularly at the cathedral. Nick Harvey Nick was educated at Edinburgh University and has spent most of his professional life living in the Welsh Marches. Following a short period with Allied Breweries he, and his business partner Charles Moyle, built a communications agency that was bought by WPP in 2007. Since then he has worked with both businesses and charities advising on their branding and marketing communications. Nick lives with his wife Kate near Burley Gate and has two children Flora, 22 and Tom, 20. Nick has been an occasional member of the congregation for a number of years, but particularly over the past 12 months when he has been assisting us with consultancy on our ‘new look’ or ‘branding’, soon to be revealed, and with issues of marketing and event management. We look forward to him taking a leading role in these important aspects which we are developing. Pictured, left to right: Bishop Mike Bourke, Assistant Bishop in the diocese Mr Barry Forrester, new lay canon and member of Chapter Mr Nick Harvey, new lay canon and member of Chapter The Very Revd. Michael Tavinor, Dean of Hereford Manage Cookie Preferences