A lecture by Revd Canon Dr Maureen Palmer 

The Nuremberg Chronicle was a remarkable enterprise of the fifteenth century, written in 1493 in Latin by Hartmann Schedel, a Nuremberg physician, book collector and humanist. The feature that sets the Chronicle apart from all others is that it is the most extensively illustrated incunable of the 15th century and was the first to integrate illustration with text. It is therefore not only a history of the world from Creation to 1493, but also an innovative book reflecting the cutting edge of technology for its time. There are two copies of the Chronicle in the Chained Library at Hereford Cathedral; this illustrated lecture is a rare chance to learn more about them and see one unchained and up close.

This is a Life & Learning event. This event will take place in College Hall and tickets, which cost £10 are available to purchase below.

If you are unable to purchase your ticket via the website, please email [email protected] or call 01432 374 225/6

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Chained Library treasures: The Nuremberg Chronicle

Decrease Increase £10.00