Revd Professor David Wilkinson | 10 am - 1 pm | Saturday 28 September | Reading Room | £5 suggested donation

What does it mean for the church to see science as a gift rather than a threat?  Reflecting on the biblical doctrine of creation and his own experience as an astrophysicist, Professor David Wilkinson will suggest that a church which sees science as a gift from God can be energised in mission and ministry in the contemporary world.

David Wilkinson is Director of Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science (ECLAS), an international project based at St John’s College, Durham University. He holds PhDs in both theoretical astrophysics and systematic theology. His current work involves the relationship of the Christian faith to contemporary culture, from science to pop culture.

We are very grateful to David Wilkinson for generously giving his time, enabling us to make this event free to attend. We kindly ask, if not prohibitive, for a donation of £5 in cash on the day to cover the cost of hosting this event. 

Please proceed below to purchase a ticket for this event. If you have any questions about accessibility, or are unable to book via the website, please contact [email protected] or call 01432 374 251 / 263 

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