Peter Walker | 3pm | Wednesday 2 October 2024 | Lady Chapel | FREE ticketed

The artist Peter Walker will be introducing Luxmuralis Space, the cathedral’s first interior son et lumiere light and sound show (16-19 October). Tickets for Space are on sale now, click here to find out more. 

As a sculptor and artist Peter Walker’s work adorns towns and cities both nationally and internationally. His art work consists of large-scale sculpture, commissioned and bespoke sculptural works as well as paintings, drawings, film, sound and light installations. Peter has vast experience in artistic direction / project management and large scale project development. Peter is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and a member of the Royal Society of British Sculptors. 

The annual Cantilupe Lecture is free to attend, but pre-booking required. The talk starts at 3pm but please join us in the retrochoir for refreshments from 2.30 pm.

Please proceed below to book a ticket for this event. If you have any questions about accessibility, or are unable to book via the website, please contact [email protected] or call 01432 374 251 / 263 

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Cantilupe Lecture 2024

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