An Advent Sequence with Lessons and Carols, Sunday 29 November 2020

The Very Revd Michael Tavinor Dean
The Revd Canon Andrew Piper Precentor
The Revd Canon Chris Pullin Chancellor
The Revd Prebendary Pam Row Cathedral Chaplain
Mrs Bridget Swan Cathedral Reader

Hereford Cathedral Choir is directed by Geraint Bowen, Organist and Director of Music, and the organ is played by Peter Dyke, Assistant Director of Music.

Simon Harper tenor
Peter Challenger bass
Theo Gerrand treble
Neirin O’Reilly treble

The order of service can be downloaded here.

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We are very grateful to the Perpetual Trust for their support of the music of Hereford Cathedral. To find out more about the work of the Trust or to make a gift to further support our choral foundation please click here.