Working with Unexpected Parenthood Herefordshire, the doors of the West End have been illuminated in pink and blue and throughout this week, blue and pink ribbons have been brought along to the Cathedral to tie on the West End gates. Each of the ribbons is in memory of a very precious baby. 

At 7 pm this evening, people around the world will be joining in the Wave Of Light and lighting candles as we all give thanks for the gift of our precious babies whose lives on earth, like those of fragile beautiful butterflies, were so brief but touched so many lives with their special love. Whilst we cannot gather together this evening, we hope that these words can act as a way of us remembering together.

'The Lamb will be their shepherd and will lead them to streams of living water' Revelation 7: 17

Little Snowdrop

The world may never notice if a snowdrop doesn't bloom, Or even pause to wonder if the petals fall too soon.

But every life that ever forms, or ever comes to be, touches the world in some small way for all eternity.

The little one we longed for was swiftly here and gone, but the love that was then planted is a light that still shines on.

And though our arms are empty, our hearts know what to do.

For every beating of our hearts says that we love you.  

And so we spend a few moments in silence before we commend these special little babies to the everlasting love and care of God and the loving gentle arms of Jesus and his Mother the Blessed Virgin Mary who knew all that it means to be human all the pain and joy of parenthood and the devastating agony of losing a child.

We give thanks for our babies for all that made them so special to all whose lives they have touched.


May Christ the Good Shepherd enfold you all with love fill you with peace and lead you in hope.

And the blessing of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you all this day, this night and always.


These words have been kindly provided by the Revd Prebendary Ann Barge.

For more information on Baby Loss Awareness Week click here