On Tuesday 23 March, the paschal candle will be lit on the plinth throughout the day to mark the National Day of Reflection, organised by Marie Curie. 

Hereford Diocese will be sharing a short service of reflection across its social media channels at 6 pm on Tuesday evening, when we encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect and to pray. This can also be viewed below from 6 pm.

A reflection for the Anniversary of the First Lockdown

Lit by small candles, the cathedral’s central corona is both a crown of glory and a crown of thorns


Lord God, we look back in silence over a dark year of separation, sorrow and death.

We hold in our hearts all those who have died,

remembering the many who died without the support of those they loved.


We pray for the bereaved, and those whose lives will never be the same.

We lift up those who have lost home or work or financial security.

We bring to you those whose mental health has been damaged

or who suffer still with Long Covid.


We pray for health workers and other carers who have borne so much,

and we give thanks for the great advances in science and medicine that have caused light to dawn in the darkness.


As we have worn the Crown of Thorns

so bring us all at last to wear a Crown of Glory

here or hereafter.

We would like to remind our community that our doors remain open between 11 am and 3 pm for private prayer, candle lighting and quiet reflection on what may be a difficult day for many people. The following prayer will also be on display alongside the candle:

God of our depths,
who meets us in the darkness,
in loss and disappointment,
in sadness and grief,
hear our cry now as we remember before you
those who have died in the past year.
Give us confidence to bring our sadness to you,
knowing that you have wept with us,
that you meet us at our point of pain and
that you carry our cares and our grief.
As we let go of people whom we knew and loved,
and as we feel the gap left by their death,
we acknowledge their lives with thankfulness,
entrusting them to your unfailing love.


You can also use the Request a Prayer function on our website if you are unable to come in person to the cathedral.

Visit the Marie Curie website to find out how you can mark the day from home: www.mariecurie.org.uk/get-involved/day-of-reflection 

Visit the Church of England website to find more resources to mark the day here: www.churchofengland.org/resources/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance/national-day-reflection