An invitation from The High Sheriff of Herefordshire, Mrs Patricia Thomas and The Honorary Recorder of the City of Hereford, His Honour Daniel Pearce-Higgins QC


Friday 13 November, 6.30 pm via YouTube Webinar

Baroness Hale of Richmond will talk about the rights and responsibilities of children for this year’s virtual High Sheriff Lecture, which will raise funds for Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust.

In January 2004, Lady Hale became the United Kingdom’s first woman Lord of Appeal in Ordinary after a varied career as an academic lawyer, law reformer, and judge. She retired as President of the Supreme Court in January 2020.

After graduating from Cambridge in 1966, she taught law at Manchester University from 1966 to 1984, also qualifying as a barrister and practising for a while at the Manchester Bar. She specialised in Family and Social Welfare law, was founding editor of the Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, and authored a pioneering case book on ‘The Family, Law and Society’.

Due to the current restrictions, this year’s event, organised by The High Sheriff of Herefordshire, Mrs Patricia Thomas and The Honorary Recorder of the City of Hereford, His Honour Daniel Pearce-Higgins QC, will be hosted by Rural Media as a live YouTube webinar. Tickets to view the live stream are free, but guests are invited to make a donation in support of Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust.

The High Sheriff of Herefordshire, Tricia Thomas, said: “A legal trailblazer with many decades of experience and notable judgments to her name, I am delighted that Baroness Hale of Richmond has agreed to deliver this year’s Shrieval Lecture. I am grateful to her and all concerned in facilitating a webinar, making this event possible during the pandemic.”

Tickets free but registration essential. To find out more about this event and register to attend, please visit, joining instructions will then be issued to participants via email.


This lecture is a fundraising event for Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust (Charity No 1051168) and is kindly hosted by Rural Media